GRAN FONDO Fashion-Shoot 2017 – Life is an Attitude. What’s yours?
Luminox Carbon Seal und F-117 Nighthawk – Urban Warrior – What are you willing to fight for?

Life isn’t easy. The concrete desert of the big city; the listless masses living out their day-to-day routines; the solid line of cars that crawls along Fifth Avenue or the Gran Via.
Everyone has their own way to escape this daily grind. Some do drugs, others dive into virtual worlds – and some throw themselves into physical activity. In this context, bikes aren’t only a means for fitness; they’re a valve to release the emotional pressure of life.

Outfit 1
Watch Luminox Carbon SEAL 3802
Jersey BBUC Jim Rose Unicorn
Bib BBUC Men’s Black Hole Bibs
Outfit 2
Watch Luminox F-117 Nighthawk GMT XA.6422
Glasses Wilde Sunglasses
Gilet Huez Moonrider Gilet
Shirt Huez Dri-Wink T-Shirt
A winking emoji or a fairytale unicorn are the symbols of our urban heroes: the founder of Dosnoventa Juanma Pozo Garcia from Madrid and fixie-riding legend Alfred Bobé Jr from New York. With the fortitude of a Navy Seal, the creativity of an artist and the goodwill of a like-minded fraternity, they enthuse tens of thousands of digital followers around the world. Their weapon; sheer inspiration.
Paying homage to the U.S. Air Force and Navy Seals respectively, the Luminox F-117 Nighthawk GMT XA.6422 and the Luminox Carbon Seal 3802 are the accessories of choice for these urban warriors, arming them with the strength to not only battle on in life, but also to stand and fight for their ideas.

British brand Huez creates stylish performance cycling apparel for riders who like to push the pace, or indeed those who simply want a great time.
New Vienna-based label BBUC follow a similar path; they want to enlighten people with their wares, helping people discover cycling as something soul-seeking and meditative.
Cycling is a drug that allows you to escape the real world, transporting you into a state in which you can tune into your thoughts as the monotony of pedaling propels you away from the monotony of the everyday. Picking up the pace towards freedom. Life can be so simple.