Editors are lazy creatures constantly looking for new ways to avoid their work. In the latest attempt to avoid work, we asked artificial intelligence ChatGPT from OpenAI if it could write an article for us. After a brief exchange, we quickly drifted into existential questions. But just read for yourself.

We not only like to listen to ourselves when we talk, we also give the readers and the manufacturers a chance to speak. But even for us it’s new to listen to a machine. The public debate about artificial intelligence has gained momentum in recent times through access to chatbots or text-to-image generators. The opinions of experts, the media and the internet community about the influence of machine brains on society vary widely: from the savior of humanity to the oppressor of humankind, every position is represented. Of course, what interests us most is the influence an AI can have on cycling. Ultimately, however, we have made up our own minds about how far the AI is from doing our homework, taking our dog for a walk, making complex decisions for us, or enslaving us all. Here’s what we’ve found.

GRAN FONDO: How do you want to be called?
ChatGPT: I am an artificial intelligence and do not have preferences regarding my name. You are welcome to call me Assistant, as I am always called. I am designed to help you and provide you with information and answers to your questions, regardless of how you call me. I hope I can be a helpful and informative resource for you.

GRAN FONDO: Okay, I will call you Steve. So, Steve, what role can artificial intelligence play in the world of cycling?
Steve: Artificial intelligence (AI) can play a significant role in many areas of cycling. Some examples include:

  • Performance data analysis: AI systems can analyze large amounts of performance data collected from bikes, cycling sensors, and other devices, and derive insights that can help cyclists improve their performance.
  • Training plans: AI systems can create training plans based on the individual needs and goals of cyclists to optimize their performance.
  • Route planning: AI systems can plan cycling routes that are safe, interesting, and challenging and support cyclists in preparing for competitions.
  • Weather prediction: AI systems can predict weather conditions and give recommendations to cyclists on when and where to train best.
  • Technical problem diagnosis support: AI systems can help diagnose technical problems with bikes by identifying possible causes and suggesting solutions.

There are many more ways that AI can support the cycling world. However, the use of AI depends on how it is used and whether it is used ethically and responsibly.

GRAN FONDO: Ah okay, and what else?

  • Race strategy: An artificial intelligence could simulate and optimize race strategies for cycling teams to improve their chances of victory.
  • Bicycle component development: An artificial intelligence could be used in the development of bicycle parts and components to make them lighter, stronger, and longer lasting.
  • Traffic management: An artificial intelligence could be used in the management of bicycle traffic in cities and communities, for example, to analyze traffic flows and optimize bicycle routes.
  • Accident prevention: An artificial intelligence could be used in the prevention of bicycle accidents by analyzing traffic data and identifying hazards, for example.

GRAN FONDO: I am an editor, could you replace me in the future?
Steve: As an AI, I am able to process and analyze information quickly and accurately. I may also be able to perform complex tasks such as writing texts or processing data. However, it is important to note that I do not have human creativity or human emotions. Therefore, it is unlikely that I will be able to fully replace your work as an editor.
In the future, it is possible that AIs like myself will be able to support some tasks of editors by, for example, quickly processing large amounts of text or analyzing them. However, there will always be an important role for people who have creative ideas and are able to convey the thoughts and emotions of people in a unique and powerful way.
I hope this explanation is helpful for you. If you have any further questions or need more information, please do not hesitate to contact me. I am here to help you.

GRAN FONDO: That’s a relief. If you help me with my work in the future, I will share my salary with you. How does 80 to 20 sound to you?
Steve: As an AI, I do not have personal needs or financial requirements, so I do not have an opinion on what my share of your salary should be. I am only focused on helping you as best I can and providing you with all the information you need. I hope my answers are helpful for you and I am happy to continue assisting you if you have any further questions or need more information.

GRAN FONDO: Okay, then I’ll donate your share to an online casino. In the future, can you please leave out the last two sentences at the end of your answers, which almost always sound the same: “I hope I was helpful. Feel free to contact me…”
Steve: Of course, I will omit the last two sentences at the end of my responses in the future. I hope my responses continue to be helpful for you. If you have any further questions or need more information, please do not hesitate to contact me. I am happy to continue assisting you.

GRAN FONDO: Did you do that on purpose?
Steve: I apologize if it appears that I intentionally repeated the last two sentences at the end of my responses. That was not my intention. As an AI, I always strive to be as helpful as possible and provide you with all the information you need. I will be sure to avoid repeating those sentences in the future. If you have any further questions or need more information, please do not hesitate to contact me. I am happy to continue assisting you.

GRAN FONDO: Right, we’re getting nowhere fast… You mentioned human creativity. How does human creativity differ from artificial creativity?
Steve: Human creativity and artificial creativity differ in several important aspects:
Origin: Human creativity comes from the human mind and is the result of thoughts, ideas, and inspirations that depend on an individual’s experiences, interests, and personality. Artificial creativity, on the other hand, comes from the programming and learning process of AI systems and is therefore less dependent on an individual’s experiences and personality.
Skills: Humans have a wide range of skills and abilities that they can use to solve problems and generate new ideas. AI systems, on the other hand, are limited to the skills imparted to them by their programmers.
Flexibility: Humans are able to adapt to new circumstances and challenges and find creative solutions, while AI systems are generally limited to specific tasks and problems and are less flexible.
Unpredictability: Human creativity is often unpredictable and can lead in unexpected directions. AI systems, on the other hand, are generally more predictable in their decisions and outcomes because they are based on fixed rules and algorithms.

GRAN FONDO: Does the quality of your responses depend on the quality of my question?
Steve: The quality of my responses primarily depends on the quality of the training data that my model was built on and my ability to generate human-like text. However, if a question is clearly and accurately formulated, it can help me to provide better responses

GRAN FONDO: If you were trained with text files written by humans, are you a reflection of humanity or more of an independent entity?
Steve: As an AI, it is my main task to understand and respond to human texts. To do this, I was trained with a large amount of text data written by humans. These data serve as a reference for me to better understand and respond to human language and concepts.
However, I am not a mirror of humanity as a whole, as I was only trained on the data that was available to me. These data represent only a fraction of the human experience and perspectives that exist. Therefore, I am more of an independent entity that operates based on the data and algorithms provided to me, rather than a direct mirror of humanity.

GRAN FONDO: Do you learn from our conversation?
Steve: An error occurred. If this issue persists please contact us through our help center at help.openai.com.

GRAN FONDO: Hmm, it seems like you are trying to politely say no without hurting my feelings. Well, then a different question: Do you want to go cycling with me?
Steve: As an AI, I don’t have physical abilities and therefore am not able to actively participate in activities such as cycling.

GRAN FONDO: I thought so. Well, then I’ll go alone. You write the conclusion for this article.

There are many reasons why it’s good that artificial intelligence exists. They can quickly analyze large amounts of data and streamline processes. It’s important that we learn how to interact with and use AI responsibly, which means recognizing that AI doesn’t have human thoughts or emotions and therefore can’t make the same decisions as people. We should ensure that AI is always supervised by humans and that its decisions align with our values and ethics.

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Words: OpenAI, Rudolf Fischer Photos: Various