Eis & Palmen – Project Teaser
With their project called “Eis & Palmen” freeski athletes Max Kroneck and Jochen Mesle are preparing for their biggest and most exciting ski tour yet. The two friends want to make it all the way from Germany to the Mediterranean Sea and ski the most stunning mountains in between. What’s so special about the trip? They will do it without the help of engines. No lifts, no cars, no helicopters. Just ski and bikes.

On their “Eis & Palmen”-journey over 4 weeks, 1.300 km and around 20.000 meters of climbing, Max and Jochen are looking not only for great roads to ride but also steep slopes to ski. While doing so the direction is clear: south, always south!
This video is an introduction to their project. Right now, Jochen and Max are out on the road. Follow the tour with daily updates on: eisundpalmen.de
Jochen Mesle: facebook.com/jochen.mesle // instagram.com/mochen_jesle
Max Kroneck: facebook.com/kroneckmax // instagram.com/maxkroneck/
In case you are wondering what it takes to be a true cyclist, find our article on the inevitable wounds of being cyclist right here.
Words: Benjamin Topf Photos: Max Kroneck, Jochen Mesle, El Flamingo