What can we really expect from bike shows these days? With vast halls, giant marketing campaigns and horrific traffic jams, most bike shows are just so packed that it is nigh on impossible to capture the charm of cycling, the thrill of new product launches and entice visitors to check out smaller quality businesses that are perhaps less marketing-savvy. We headed to the Berlin Bike Show 2016 to see how things are done differently.


Over the last few years the Berlin Bike Show has continued to grow and attracts global attention precisely because it has succeeded in offering exactly what’s missing from the majority of other trade fairs: sure, you have the big players from the bike industry exhibiting, but these slot in with their creative booths alongside a hugely diverse mix of individuals, small manufacturers, international designers and creative minds. And much like the city where it’s held, the BBS draws you immediately into its cocoon of creativity.

The best thing of all is that – much like Germany’s somewhat haphazard capital – the Berlin Bike Show is not about the size of anyone’s package when it came to the stands and marketing buzz, because quite simply Berlin doesn’t revolve around money – but creativity. And visitors found this aplenty. From frame building demonstrations to best build contests, visionary-looking stands in every direction, innovative bike events such as Last Man Standing and the fun Trek E-Derny race; the former train station’s hall created a great canvas for the current buzz around bikes, plus you could get your fill of slow food (and fast if that’s your thing) and first-rate coffee.

Data can be beautiful: No product to display? Strava wove in their data for Berlin and its cyclists to create an eye-catching work of art.
Data can be beautiful: No product to display? Strava wove in their data for Berlin and its cyclists to create an eye-catching work of art.
Keep it simple. Auf der Berliner Fahrradschau ist eine Banner- oder Beachflag-Schlacht verboten. Das schafft eine angenehme Atmosphäre.
Keep it simple. Banner and beach flag battles are off-limits at the Berlin Bike Show, which definitely works to the advantage of the atmosphere.
Freitagnacht – von 18 bis 23 Uhr hatte die Messe am Freitag geöffnet.
Friday night – The trade fair opened from 6 pm to 11 pm on Friday.
Hendricks Gin und Thomas Henry Tonic Water – dieser Stand war uns auf Anhieb sympathisch.
Hendricks Gin and Thomas Henry Tonic Water – we immediately welcomed this stand into our hearts.
Make your own Ass Saver. At the Swede’s stand you could design your own mud guard.
Make your own Ass Saver. At the Swede’s stand you could design your own mud guard.
Quoc stellte einen neuen Schuh vor, der mit Carbon-Composite-Sohle und elegantem Design genau auf uns GRAN FONDO-Enthusiasten zugeschnitten sein sollte. Kosten soll er rund 250 €, erhältlich ist er voraussichtlich ab Juli/August. Wir haben ihn uns schon vorbestellt!
Quoc launched a new shoe model with a carbon composite sole and a design with prime appeal for us GRAN FONDO lovers. Set to retail around 250 €, these will be available come mid to late summer. We’ve already pre-ordered ours!
Bei Veloheld gibt es nicht nur dieses schicke Gravel-Bike IconX, sondern den passenden Schotter gleich dazu. Der kostet aber wiederum ganz schön viel Schotter: 50 g für 2 €.
Veloheld didn’t just present the ultra-desirable IconX gravel bike, but had buckets of gravel to flog as well: 50 kg for 2 €.
Materia Fixed Bike aus Holz. Wow!
The wooden Materia fixed bike. Wow!
Colnago-Rahmen mit vergoldeter Campagnolo. Bling Bling
Colnago frame with gold-plated campagnolo parts. Bling bling!
Gewonnen: Nebouxii Socks aus Ungarn. #Sockgame
Winner: Nebouxii socks from Hungary. #Sockgame
Cycling Caps handmade in Barcelona: Lucky Bastërds.
Cycling Caps handmade in Barcelona: Lucky Bastërds.
Fernreise-Taschen und Equipment.
Bike-packing equipment reaches new highs! Gramm-Tourpacking handmade in Berlin.
Samurai Bar Tape. Mit diesem Stoff haben die japanischen Krieger ihren Schwertgriff umwickelt.
Samurai bar tape. Japanese warriors wrapped this around their swords!
Individualisierung: Am Stand von Trek konnte man sein Traumrad digital gestalten – Project ONE macht es möglich.
Customise: You could digitally customize your dream bike at Trek’s stand with their Project ONE.
The Émonda SLR with a subtle tiger print paintjob.
The Domane SLR with a subtle tiger print paintjob.
Das 8bar Mitte – ein variables Bike, das sich vom konventionellen Renner auf Crosser und Adventure- bzw. Reise-Rad umbauen lässt. Hier in schickem Wüsten-Camouflage.
The 8bar Mitte – A conventional road bike that can be set up as a crosser or adventure touring bike – or is it just the new gravel bike? Made for the desert in this camo colourway.
8bar beginnt demnächst die Vororderphase für ihren ersten Carbon-Renner: Das 8bar Kronprinz V2 Team Edition soll im September erhältlich sein, die Vororderphase läuft bis Juli.
8bar are soon taking pre-orders for their new carbon race: the 8bar Kronprinz V2 Team Edition due for release in September with pre-orders running until July.
Das Rahmenset inkl. Gabel, Steuersatz und Sattelklemme soll sagenhafte 1.198 € kosten. Eine Farb(los)variante mit minimalistischen schwarzen Decals soll auch erhältlich sein.
The frame set including forks, headset and seat clamp are set to retail at a dreamy 1,198 €. A colourfree model with aesthetically minimal black decals will also be available.
Titan-Ekstase am Stand von Passoni.
Titanium elation at the Passoni stand.
Creme Cycles x Soto Caferacer. Dieses Bike wird vollkommen in Europa gefertigt. Eines der Highlights ist der Holz-Lenker.
Creme Cycles x Soto Caferacer. Exclusively made in Europe, the wooden bars are just one of the highlights!
Neuer Fahrradcomputer aus dem Hause Wahoo: der Wahoo Elemnt GPS Bike Computer.
New bike computer from Wahoo: the Wahoo Elemnt GPS Bike Computer.
Leckere Köstlichkeiten aus Tschechien: Chimpanzee Energy Chew.
Chomp on these Czech delights: Chimpanzee Energy Chew.
Custom Specialized Allez von Speci-Marketing-Mann Sebastian Maag. Hiermit ist bewiesen: Aluminium kann auch verdammt sexy sein!
Custom Specialized Allez from the Speci marketing man Sebastian Maag. Who said aluminium wasn’t sexy?
Preis-Übergabe des Gewinners des Campagnolo Custom Build Contests. And the winner is … Edvinas Vavilovas von Tsubasa Bicycles.
Prize-giving for the Campagnolo Custom Build Contests. And the winner is … Edvinas Vavilovas from Tsubasa Bicycles.
Tune Porteur: Der 20,5g leichte “Träger” dient als Halterung für Garmin-Fahrrad bzw. GPS-Computer und kann ebenfalls die Shimano Junction-Box aufnehmen.
Tune Porteur: At 20.5 g, this lightweight ‘carrier’ works as a mount for your Garmin or GPS while also taking the Shimano Junction box.
Familienunternehmen: Mit Vater und Frau kreiert Edvinas in London minimalistische Bikes wie dieses in einem absolut sexy Raw-Look.
Family-run: Together with his father and wife, Edvinas creates minimal-looking bikes from their base in London with a super sexy raw aesthetic.
Einteiler bei Standert, passend zum galaktischen Trackbike Umlaufbahn.
Skinsuits from Standert, capturing an inter-galactic trackbike look.

Words: Robin Schmitt Photos: Klaus Kneist

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